2011-09至2014-07, 北京邮电大学, 信号与信息处理, 博士
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区项目, 62161034, 基于镜像抑制混频的微波光子信道化接收方法, 2022-01至2025-12, 34万元, 主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区项目, 61561037, 光子雷达系统中光真延时及光子移相技术的研究, 2016-01至2019-12, 45.2万元, 已结题, 主持
(3) 内蒙古自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 2017MS0609, 微波光子信号处理中光子射频移相技术的研究, 2017-01至2019-12, 6万元, 已结题, 主持
(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区项目, 61861034, 混合供能异构网络的协作资源分配研究, 2019-01至2022-12, 36万元, 在研, 参加
(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区项目, 61461035, 基于认知技术的分层异构网络能效分析与资源分配研究, 2015-01至2018-12, 46万元, 已结题, 参加
(6) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区项目, 61362027, α稳定分布噪声环境中循环平稳信号线性滤波与参数估计方法研究, 2014-01至2017-12, 43万元, 已结题, 参加
(7) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目, 61001124, 基于效用的网络MIMO资源分配和调度优化研究, 2011-01至2013-12, 22万元, 已结题, 参加
(8) 十大正规赌博网站通识教育选修课《探秘光通信》课程建设, 2万元, 主持
(9) 十大正规赌博网站高层次人才引进计划,光控相控阵雷达中光真延时及光子射频移相技术的研究, 2014.12至2017-12, 已结题,主持
(10) 内蒙古自治区科技计划项目,子宫内膜癌影像多模态人工智能诊断系统的研发与临床转化,2022-2025,40万元,子课题主持
[1]Measurement and analysis of instantaneous microwave frequency based on an optical frequency comb,2022.08,Applied Optic,2022,61(23).(三区,SCI/EI,影响因子1.905)
[2]Image classification of forage grasses on Etuoke Banner using edge auto encoder network,2022.10,PLOS ONE,2022,17(6).(三区,SCI/EI,影响因子3.752)
[3]Efficient Microwave Filter Design by a Surrogate-Model-Assisted Decomposition-Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm,2022.11,Electronics,2022,11(20).(四区,SCI/EI,影响因子2.69)
[4]Measurement of Instantaneous Frequency in Channelized Receiver Based on OFC2021.11,IEEE ACP2021,EI;
[6] Xiaoli Liu; Xiang Li; Mengmeng Sheng; Yongfeng Wei; Caili Gong; Flat Optical Frequency Comb Generation Based on Intensity Modulator with RF Frequency Multiplication Circuit and Dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder Modulator. Asia Communications and Photonics/International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications Conferences (ACP/IOPC 2020)
[7] Xiang Li; Yongfeng Wei; Xiaoli Liu; Hao Li; Multi-band Frequency Conversion Scheme Employing Single Optical Frequency Comb.
[8] Mengmeng Sheng; Sijia Liu; Caili Gong; Yongfeng Wei. All-optical, Broadband Microwave Photonic Image-Reject Mixer with Local Oscillator Frequency Doubling.
[9] Zhang conghui; Wei yongfeng*; Frequency-doubling microwave signal generation with tunable phase shift based on DP-QPSK modulator, 2019, Tenth International Conference on Signal Processing Systems,2019-11-16.
[10] Zhang conghui; Wei yongfeng*; A Novel Photonic Phase Shifter Based on Polarization Controller and Dual-parallel Mach-Zehender Modulator, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP, 2018-10-26.
[11] Zhang conghui; Wei yongfeng*; Photonic generation of millimeter-wave signals with frequency-multiplying and tunable phase shift, 2018 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal, Processing, ICFSP 2018, 2018-9-24.
[12] Zhang conghui; Wei yongfeng*; Frequency-quadrupled microwave signal generation with tunable phase shift employing no optical filter, 2018 the 3rd Optoelectronics Global Conference, OGC 2018, 2018-9-4.
[13] He ruiying; Wei yongfeng*; A Broadband Microwave Photonic Mixer with the Capability of Phase Shifting, 2018 the 3rd Optoelectronics Global Conference, OGC 2018, 2018-9-4.
[14] Zhang xiaoyu; Wei yongfeng*; A filter-less frequency-sextupled microwave signal processor with tunable phase shift, International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, 2018-8-18.
[15] Zhang xiaoyu; Wei yongfeng*; A Novel Microwave Photonic Mixer with Tunable Phase Shift Based on External Modulators, 2018 3rd International Conference on Communication and Information Systems, 2018-12-28.
[16] Yang peng; Wei yongfeng; Bai fengshan*; A frequency-doubling microwave photonic phase shifter based on dual-polarization MZM, Applied Optics and Photonics China: Fiber Optic Sensing and Optical Communications, AOPC 2017, 2017-6-4.
[17] Yang peng; Wei yongfeng; Bai fengshan*; A Frequency-quadrupling Microwave Photonic Phase Shifter based on Dual-polarization MZM, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP, 2017-11-10
[18] Qiao yu; Li xiang; Hu xuedong; Liu xiaoli; Wei yongfeng; Gong caili*; All-optical, Broadband Microwave Photonic Sub-harmonic Image-reject Frequency Downconverter, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference(ACP2019), Chengdu, 2019-11-02至
[19] Yu Qiao; Hao Li; Xuedong Hu; Caili Gong*; Kai Sun; Yongfeng Wei; Microwave Photonic Sub-harmonic Downconverter with Image Rejection Capability, 2019 4th Optoelectronics Global Conference, Shenzhen. 2019-09-03.
[20] Kai Sun*; Peng Wang; Zhen Shi; Yongfeng Wei; Wei Huang; Performance Analysis of Diversity and Multiplexing Based on OPNET, 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, Chengdu, 2017-12-13.
[21] Kai Sun*; Yan Yan; Wenyou Zhang; Yongfeng Wei; An Interference-Aware Uplink Power Control in LTE Heterogeneous Networks, Proceedings of TENCON 2018 - 2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Jeju, Korea, 2018-10-28.
[22] Fengli Shi; Kai Sun*; Wei Huang; Yongfeng Wei; User Association for On-grid Energy Minimizing in HetNets with Hybrid Energy Supplies, 2018 18th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology, Chongqing, 2018-10-08.(EI检索)
[23] Yongfeng Wei, Shanguo Huang, Kai Sun, Qian Wang, Chao Gao, Wanyi Gu, “Broadband and tunable RF photonic phase shifter based on optical SSB modulation and FBG filtering,” OPTIK, 2015.10 (SCI检索:DC1EJ)
[24] Yongfeng Wei, Shanguo Huang, Xinlu Gao, Chao Gao, Qian Wang, Wanyi Gu. “Programmable RF Photonic Phase Shifters Based on FD-OP for Optically Controlled Beamforming,” Optical Fiber Technology, 2014.11 (SCI检索:CM4XA;影响因子:1.300)
[25] Yongfeng Wei, Chaowei Yuan, Shanguo Huang, Xinlu Gao, Jing Zhou, Xi Han, Wanyi Gu. “Optical true time-delay for two-dimensional phased array antennas using compact fiber grating prism,” Chinese Optics Letters, 11(10), 100606-100609, 2013 (SCI检索:256NZ;影响因子:1.851)
[26] Yongfeng Wei, Chaowei Yuan, Shanguo Huang, Xinlu Gao, Qian Wang, Wanyi Gu. “Two-dimensional optical architecture for true time-delay beam forming in phased array antennas,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ATh3F-5, Beijing, 2013, oral presentation(EI检索:20142017711051)
[27] Yongfeng Wei, Shanguo Huang, Shiyue Hou. “Tunable and integrated RF photonic phase shifter based on phase modulation and FBG filtering,”Applied Optics and Photonics China,2015(EI检索:20155201715847)
[28] Yongfeng Wei, Shanguo Huang.“Tunable RF photonic phase shifter based on optical DSB modulation and FBG filtering,” 2015 International Conference on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics(EI检索)
[29] Xinlu Gao, Shanguo Huang, Jing Zhou, Yongfeng Wei, Chao Gao, Xukai Zhang, Wanyi Gu. “Generating, multiplexing/demultiplexing and receiving the orbital angular momentum of radio frequency signals using an optical true time delay unit,” Journal of Optics, 15(10), 105401,2013(SCI检索:227EQ;影响因子:2.010)
[30] Qian Wang, Shanguo Huang, Yongfeng Wei, Xinlu Gao, Chao Gao, Wanyi Gu. “Control of Optical Power in Optical Beamforming Networks Based on Broadband Optical Source and Chirped Fiber Grating,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, AF2F-62, Beijing, 2013, poster presentation(EI检索:20142017710825)
[31] Xinlu Gao, Shanguo Huang, Yunlong Song, Shangyuan Li, Yongfeng Wei, Jing Zhou, Xiaoping Zheng, Hanyi Zhang, and Wanyi Gu, “Generating the orbital angular momentum of radio frequency signals using optical-true-time-delay unit based on optical spectrum processor,” Optical Letter, 39, 2652-265, 2014(SCI检索:AG5YX;影响因子:3.179)
[32] Xinlu Gao, Shanguo Huang, Yongfeng Wei, Chao Gao, Jing Zhou, Hanyi Zhang, Wanyi Gu, “A high-resolution compact optical true-time delay beamformer using fiber Bragg grating and highly dispersive fiber,” Optical Fiber Technology, 2014 (SCI检索:AN4IN;影响因子:1.188)
[33] Chao Gao, Shanguo Huang, Jinghua Xiao, Xinlu Gao, Qian Wang, Yongfeng Wei, Wensheng Zhai, Wenjing Xu and Wanyi Gu, “Compensation of chromatic-dispersion for full-duplex ROF links with vector signal transmission using frequency tripling”, Journal of Optics, 2014 (SCI检索:AR6AM;影响因子:2.010)
[34] Chao Gao, Shanguo Huang, Jinghua Xiao, Xinlu Gao, Qian Wang, Yongfeng Wei, Wensheng Zhai, Wenjing Xu, and Wanyi Gu, “Full-Duplex ROF Link with Seamless Convergence and High-Speed Broadband Wireless Access”, 2014 (EI检索)
[35] Xinlu Gao, Shanguo Huang, Yongfeng Wei, et al. An orbital angular momentum radio communication system optimized by intensity controlled masks effectively: Theoretical design and experimental verification[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105(24):241109 - 241109-5.( SCI检索:AX0LJ;影响因子:3.515)
魏永峰; 李想; 盛萌萌; 刘晓丽; 一种基于光谱处理的微波光子射频移相器, 2019-11-01, 中国, ZL201920697992.6.
巩彩丽; 魏永峰; 一种基于GPU并行处理的可视火灾检测系统, 2020-02-14, 中国, ZL201920630925.2.
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